Self care for busy mums with Growbright
I recently met and worked with Natalie Norman in a video interview series from Growbright. Growbright is a mattress manufacturer specific for babies and children, and a community offering helpful advice and support for families. Growbright believes that by growing confident parents, through helpful advice, we'll grow happier, healthier, bright-eyed families.
My name is Renee Rigden, I am a Nutrition and Lifestyle coach and a Mindfulness facilitator. I am also a student in my 4th of 5 years completing a Bachelor of Natural Medicine (BNatMed).
I re-trained from a corporate background in the beauty industry into the wellness industry with Integrative Nutrition in 2015 while pregnant with my second child. I had an experience of burn out, and anxiety – from trying to do everything for everyone and feeling like I was still not doing enough. I had a boss with no boundaries, an industry with no support for new mums. This lead me to experience a whole lot of symptoms including insomnia, anxiety, chronic stress and miscarriages.
What did I learn? A whole lot and I am very passionate about sharing my knowledge with others.
I worked with a Naturopath, and quickly experienced amazing results from dietary and supplement support, I was committed 100% (perfectionist tendencies) and my results were great. In the process I realised I could not do my job anymore and needed to re-think my whole career.
My mission today is to support others who are in the same boat, with super high expectations on themselves, lacking in the know how (due to the sheer volume of information out there) to care for and nourish themselves in the way that not only they deserve but they so need.
In order for your family to thrive you need to look after yourself. Put on your oxygen mask first, then you have the ability to care for others.
One thing I like to teach is how to up regulate your DOSE chemistry – for more happiness, playfulness and fun! More time in these states = actual increased positive feelings and happiness. This is called neural plasticity – your brain actually can change!
Or try my restorative green zone tips.
You could try one each week to focus on.
- Read a novel
- Try legs up the wall a restorative yoga pose
- Try a breathing exercise
- Get to a pilates class, breath body practice
- Yoga Nidra - a guided body scan (search on you tube)
- Try a guided meditation
- Ground yourself in nature, try a barefoot walk on the beach, a hike or gentle bush walk. Or spend time by a body of water.
- Take an epsom salt bath
- Prioritise restorative sleep 7-9 hours a night
Self-Care for caregivers
When we talk about self-care, we often think about bubble baths, manicures or spa days, but actually, self-care goes much deeper than that. Self-care is nurturing and nourishing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
It's about intentionally taking and planning time for ourselves and engaging in activities that replenish our energy, restore our inner balance, and promote overall health. This includes a very important topic and one close to my heart - boundary setting.
This includes saying no, and I can give you permission today to do that, but also some tools to help to give you time and space to decide what is right for you, and your family. When someone asks you if they can visit your newborn, or whether you can attend this or that event. Give yourself time to digest what they are asking, by saying let me get back to you.. if you are not comfortable to say no straight away. This can help you to go back when you are ready and you have had a chance to think about the impact of this request has on you and or your family. You can then say yes, no or suggest an alternative. Try it next time someone asks you something.
Self-care goes beyond temporary pleasures and delves into the realms of self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-preservation. At its core, self-care is about recognizing and meeting our own fundamental needs.
Oxygen mask mothers – on the plane we hear this. Put your own oxygen mask on FIRST. It is an important thing to remember. Let go of guilt around taking time, asking for help or accepting help and do something for yourself regularly. Everyone benefits from your energy, and this comes from rest and self-care being prioritised.
Self-Care – Ideas to try
Make a bone broth and or a soup, a hug in a mug for you and your family.
Make your home super cosy and comfortable, change the sheets more regularly, air out the house, and re arrange things when you have time. This always feels refreshing.
Treat yourself afterwards – some reading time, your favourite Netflix series watch one, make yourself a cup of tea or a smoothie. Lie in the sun and read a book. Take yourself to bed with a young one and nap.
Gratitude, start your day with 1 thing or end your day with 1 thing you are grateful for.
This can be simple, I’m grateful I have a comfortable home, I can get outdoors, my family is healthy, I have an abundance of food etc. Try this with your family/household at your breakfast time or dinner time.
Move things around in your home, let fresh air filter through, light a candle, pick flowers from the garden.
Epsom salt bath use 1-2 cups. A great way to absorb magnesium is through the skin your integumentary system (and largest organ), great for the whole family.
Make yourself a Hot water bottle – a great simple comfort, use it on your abdomen when you feel like you need extra comfort.
Get yourself into nature regularly, every day or every second day. Sunlight actually regulates melatonin in your body, morning light is great for your circadian rhythm.
If you can’t get out due to young ones, try a free online classes Try something like Yoga with Adrienne, Raw Yoga on you-tube.
Move daily, walk, not always intense exercise. Think Yin exercise and Yang exercise, we need both.
For at home exercise roll out your matt if you have one, put the right clothing
on and let the family know you are busy for the next xx amount of time. Hide
if you need to, put the kids in front of the TV if you need to.
Statements to help you when you are exhausted
- This too shall pass
- The only thing constant is change
- We will get through this
- It’s not forever
- It doesn’t matter
- That pile of washing/dishes/dust/ clutter can wait – my health/rest is more important
Come up with a plan if you feel overwhelmed, do 1-2 things outlined.
Take yourself somewhere where you can have some quiet for a time (outside if necessary) before you come back to the people in your house.
Aim for connection not perfection with kids if you have them.
Limit phone use and news. Try not to start your day with a phone check. Turn off notifications on your phone apps, groups, social media if you don’t need these for work. Leave text and call only – or turn those off too. There can be so much noise, this can add to anxiety and stress. Set your alarm and move it away from your bed. (if you use an alarm).
Get yourself dressed, do your hair, make-up, put jewellery on. This feels nice for me, I like what I see in the mirror more than slumming around in track pants and no make-up. See what works for you.
Mindful consumption
Keep your alcohol consumption in check, aim for 4-5 Alcohol Free Days per week, your self-care will likely be better the less you drink. Make yourself a nice drink in the evenings on your AFD, sometimes I make fresh ginger tea, or kombucha with ice and blueberries or sparkling water, put it in a wine glass if it helps or I like a nice stemless glass for my kombucha.
Consider your sugar and caffeine intake too, (both of these can creep up) taking a break from processed sugar can really help with mood and energy stabilisation.
Choose 1-2 new things and practice them regularly. When you start to see the benefits it’s easier to re commit to the next one. I call this habit stacking.
What resonated with you in this blog? If those are working well, you can look at building on your new habits.